Saturday, February 25, 2012

Research Project Pitch

I have posted a lot about this lately, but this is my official pitch for a project idea. I am planning on compiling a list of resources and research tips for students with limited time and virtually unlimited digital access. All BYU students have access to the Library Writing and Research Lab which teaches students how to conduct research. However, this instruction focuses on books and databases of articles with tricky search engines. While these resources are certainly useful, I feel that students would be more interested in research if they learned more modern types of researching known as Library Research 2.0. I feel like this new type of research combined with tips on researching from professors, librarians, and experienced students can help to maximize research time. Hopefully, this will increase the likelihood of students conducting good research instead of typing something into a Google search engine and accepting the first link that pulls up. In fact, I am currently talking to First Year Writing professors and librarians in the Writing and Research Lab about incorporating this into the curriculum. We could also make a presentation to post for others to use.

Here is a post by Professor Burton on Library Research 2.0 to give you a little taste of this project.

I have already conducted a lot of research on this matter and have compiled a list of bookmarks on If you are interested, please comment on this blog or send me a note through Google Plus with your email address, so I can share the bookmarks with you. I was planning on simply doing this on my own, but after researching the topic more, I realized that I would really appreciate some extra help. If you would like to influence how students research, please let me know, so we can do this project together.

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