Friday, March 30, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action!

Yes, we finished filming the Inquiry video today! I had a lot of fun trying to get my interview right and getting odd looks as we filmed students in the library (with their permission of course). It was fun to film, and we think we got some good shots. Basically we filmed different students working in the library. Some worked with computers, some read books, and others studied with friends. We then filmed the main content, most of which will be a voice-over for the video. We then filmed my interview about my experience in Library 2.0. Here is how it goes...

Opens with inspirational music and a black screen with "Bringing Research up to Speed: Utilizing Library 2.0" written in white.

Inspirational music fades into the background with a clip of me introducing library 2.0.

"In the modern world research has become vital to success. Whether you are a student, teacher, or any professional in the workplace, you need to know how to find information. Library 2.0 is the key to making the most of the time you spend on effective research through the digital tools we have today. (At this point, my explanation of Library 2.0 becomes a voice over as we flip through different clips of students doing research.) The three tools within Library 2.0 are consuming, connecting, and creating. You can more effectively consume information through social bookmarking sites, google scholar, RSS feeds and other digital tools. You can then use these tools to connect to the experts in order to enhance your research and add a spark of excitement in your work. After you've found your information, you can share your work with those experts and other researchers through ebooks, video, TED talks, and other publishing techniques."

At this point we will show my interview about my experience with consuming, connecting, and creating in new ways to make my research meaningful and my inspiration for this project. We will then show the clip of all the students working in the "no shh" zone and end with clips of students working together (both of these will be shown with the final voice over as the background music slowly gets louder until it is at a normal volume when my voice over ends and we show the last clip of students working together).
"If we all use these tools to consume information effectively, connect with the experts, and create our own work for others to use, we can completely revolutionize research as we know it."

This would be the end of the ebook video. We would also like another version to show in the library, youtube, and on the library's website where it ends with a black background and information about where to find more information written in white.

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